Mold can pose significant challenges for homeowners and businesses, leading to property damage and health concerns. It often lurks in hidden spaces like crawlspaces, air ducts, attics, and basements, making detection tricky. To safeguard your home or business from mold-related issues, understanding different mold types is crucial. Restor Co, serving Southeast Missouri and Southern Illinoisi, is here to help. We offer expert cleanup and remediation services, available 24/7 through
Exploring Mold
Mold, a fungus thriving in damp environments, spreads via tiny spores carried by air, entering through windows, vents, clothing, or even pets. It rapidly multiplies on moist surfaces and can lead to health troubles. Although not all molds are harmful, it’s wise not to take chances. When you encounter an infestation, reach out to a reliable cleanup and restoration partner like Restor Co to swiftly assess and initiate remediation measures.

Common Mold Varieties in Homes
Mold spans benign to toxic, underlining the importance of identifying specific mold types in your surroundings. Here are prevalent molds found in homes:
- Aspergillus: Often on food and air systems, it appears green, white, or gray with a powdery texture and dark spots.
- Cladosporium: Usually black or green, seen on fiberglass air ducts, painted surfaces, and toilet backs.
- Stachybotrys Chartarum (black mold): Greenish-black, it thrives on cellulose-rich surfaces like paper, gypsum, and fiberboard.
- Alternaria: Occurs on food, paper, materials, and clothes, presenting dark or gray-green hues.
- Penicillium: Found on leather, fabrics, and food, aiding cheese and antibiotic production. Colors range from blue and green to yellow, often with a fuzzy texture.
Identifying Mold Growth
Musty smells, visible mold, and discoloration on walls and ceilings signify mold growth. Regular inspections are vital, as mold can grow on damp surfaces within 72 hours. Prompt action is essential to curtail its spread.

Mold Remediation by Restor Co
While mold is a natural occurrence, professional cleanup and restoration can mitigate its impact. Restor Co’s process includes:
- Tracing and addressing moisture sources causing mold growth, using advanced technologies.
- Employing tools like negative air chambers for mold containment, turning off fans and HVAC systems.
- Utilizing air scrubbers and HEPA vacuums for air filtration.
- Removing affected materials and disinfecting the area.
- Repairing structural damage caused by mold.
- Restoration, which might involve removing and replacing materials like drywall and insulation.
Restor Co’s Expertise
Restor Co, with its vast network spanning Southeast Missouri and Southern Illinois, stands ready to tackle mold. Our skilled technicians utilize proprietary disinfectants, HEPA vacuums, and advanced equipment to extract microscopic mold spores from the air. Depending on severity, we can remove mold-infested materials like carpeting and insulation.
Count on Restor Co
At Restor Co, we recognize the significance of mold remediation. Our professionals are available round the clock, year-round, offering cleanup, restoration, and construction services. With the experience to handle any job, we prioritize your safety and remediation needs. Reach out today through or call (573) 472-0441to learn more about our mold remediation services.